Free Cross Stitch Pattern ~ Cactus In Plant Pot
I really, really (really) didn't want my first post to be a generic hello world post because literally no-one cares about those posts. Hi, I'm Vee and I made you a cactus pattern which you can literally right click on and save. How cool is that?
This one was fun to make, I didn't have much clue what I wanted to make other than 'cactus'. I checked some references online and started off with an oval shape that became his main body. His arms came much later - when I was stitching my family kept saying that he looked like a cucumber! For his spikes I finally chose the dark green colour along the edges of his main body but originally he has yellow backstitch spikes all over with french knots - I wanted to make him look like he had spiky flowers but realised that he looked more like he had a tropical disease. That was a full half hour of unpicking...
This one was fun to make, I didn't have much clue what I wanted to make other than 'cactus'. I checked some references online and started off with an oval shape that became his main body. His arms came much later - when I was stitching my family kept saying that he looked like a cucumber! For his spikes I finally chose the dark green colour along the edges of his main body but originally he has yellow backstitch spikes all over with french knots - I wanted to make him look like he had spiky flowers but realised that he looked more like he had a tropical disease. That was a full half hour of unpicking...
Very cute! I'm going to try it! Thank you!